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There's a ray of hope,
when in great dispair
There's a gentle touch,
to show you care
There are loving arms,
to hold me near
There's a smile on my face,
to show no fear
There's a confidence inside me,
ready to be set free
There is a personality,
belonging only to me!

*A special friend*
You are very special to me,
more special then the mountains,
air, and sea
This uncontrollable feeling,
I cannot explain,
There is no way I can have any pain,
A friend around the corner,
you were always there,
You always found a way to show,
how much you care,
So now in closing I have to say,
is you remind me of a wonderful,
** Deticated to my best friend Erika **

~* No Fear*~
From the trees that move,
To the stars that glow,
I've always wondered why,
Why storms bring fear,
Into the heart,
And snowfall fills with gloom,
But everyday the sun must rise,
And the day will start again,
You make mistakes like everyone else,
And settle for nothing but the best,
Things may seem down and weary,
But there is nothing to fear,
For when the storm comes rushing by,
Hold on real tight think and say ,
Nomatter what you'll always be alright!

~*The World*~
The sky is gray,
But the oceans' blue,
It takes a saint to look past you,
Your heart was crushed,
You hated life,
You hated everything,
You took envy to the ground,
For no reason at all,
You looked at the leaves and said,
You hated fall,
So many things you did look past,
All the beauty of the world ,
You never saw,
You thought the worst of everything,
And never once took the stars for granted,
Or shared your thoughts and love,
You kept to yourself,
I always wondered why,
But one day I realized,
Noone was ever there to show you,
The spirit of the world full of grace,
And elleigance,
But maybe one day you will see,
If you looked closely at the world,
How much happier you'd be!! =)

I dont know how to describe it
but I know it's really special
I can tell you all my secrets
knowing you wont tell
Your one of the best friends I
have ever had
You can always make me smile
and make me laugh when i am down
Your a great friend to everyone
thats why it makes me glad,
That you decided to be my friend too!
A girl stands alone on a cliff at the end of the world
She yells about her pain, her suffering, and all her frustration
She stares up at the sky, clouds cover the sun
They block away her light to guide the way
She feels so much pain,
sometimes she cries for no reason at all
People don't really understand her
Such a special girl that no one seems to see
She has lots of courage deep down inside
but hides herself well
so she can avoid torment and teasing
A girl , but in my opinion a women
she is strong, she is kind, she is absolutely
She has strength as well
As she stands alone on this cliff of life
This cliff of re-birth
She is changed forever,
A girl who once never knew what she was about
now looks deep down inside and realizes that
she is perfect
She is loved, and no pain can stop her
She is on a mission
A mission to love herself
For you can never love another until you love yourself